Visit by the Minister of Economic development and technology
A visit by the Minister of economic development and technology Mr Radovan Žerjav, MSc
Mr Radovan Žerjav MSc, the Minister of Economic development and technology of the Republic of Slovenia with his team of six co-workers, including Mr Jakob Presečnik, MP and vice-president of the Slovene Parliament and Mr Uroš Rožič, MSc and State Secretary, visited KLS Ljubno Company on 05 September 2012.
Firstly, the Minister and his team were given a tour of our production facilities, followed by the presentation of our company through our business model. In the last part of the visit, we gave the Minister our suggestions regarding the competitiveness increase of Slovene companies, where we stressed the necessary modifications of the work code, mainly the increase of working time and employee flexibility as well as simplification of filing documentation for R&D investments tax relief.